To increase the number of natural and ecologically- significant spaces protected in perpetuity along the Magnetawan River Watershed.

MWLT provides landowners with options to permanently conserve and protect their land. We aim to permanently protect private land with natural, historical, scenic, and/or recreational value for the benefit of the community. This is done by acquiring land, or interests in land in the following ways:
accepting donations of land
purchasing land
partial donation and partial purchase of land
accepting conservation easements on land
Acquired lands are managed to ensure permanent protection through a volunteer Stewardship Program. Management typically includes ongoing monitoring and signage; additional work is only conducted as necessary to protect significant values. Properties with conservation easements are managed slightly differently as a much more structured annual monitoring routine is required.
The Magnetawan Watershed Land Trust is a member of the Ontario Land Trust Alliance (OLTA). The OLTA supports one of the largest land trust communities in the world, promoting land conservation and preservation that protects critical environmental assets, endangered species, and benefits Ontario communities. The alliance represents 120,000 individuals and members working together to protect over 90,000 acres of land with both of these numbers growing every year. OLTA promotes and assists our members and associates through training, education, and communications, as we collectively connecting communities, promoting land trusts, and acting to influence policy and support stakeholders.
Support Ontario land trusts and protect the land you love!
Your Board

Howard Rosen
Adam Redish
Vice President

Ian Cays

Shelley Chemnitz

Whit Conrad
Lands Committee Chair

Barry Graham
Past President

Brian Chemnitz
Stewardship Committee Chair

Molly Terlevich
Sam Candler

Ann Garth
Development Committee Chair

Kevin White

David Badham

John McKenna

Geoff Snelling
Your Staff