With a donation of $50, you become a member of MWLT and contribute to the funding of land acquisition projects and the ongoing administration of the organization.
American donors click here to find out how to get a US income tax benefit receipt and to donate
Canadian donors click here to find out how to get a charitable tax receipt and to donate

Consider a Gift of Land
Land trusts are recognized around the world for their tools to facilitate land conservation. If you are interested in exploring these options, please contact us to initiate the conversation.
The MWLT considers each property proposed for protection under a set of standard criteria. Each option for protection will be presented and the benefits of each described. Landowners will be urged to discuss these options with independent professional advisors.
Conservation tools may include one or more of the following:
access to grant funding
grants that have been available in the past include those which help to cover capital costs, land acquisition costs, surveying, severing land​
Potential Benefits of Conserving
Through the Land Trust
Gaining significant income tax benefits.
Having costs such as surveying and severing land covered or reduced.
In the case of certified ecologically sensitive land, avoiding or reducing capital gains taxes incurred by the sale or transfer of land.
Peace of mind of knowing that your piece of paradise will be permanently protected while also having the flexibility of either registering a conservation easement on the title to remain the owner of the land and be able to sell or pass the land on to heirs, or transferring title (in the case of donation, purchase, or partial donation/partial purchase) and providing input into the management of the land upon transfer that will last forever.
In addition to working with individuals, the MWLT may also work with corporations to protect land. In some scenarios, corporations can realize tax advantages through the donation of land.
All tax and property scenarios are different. Please contact us to discuss the permanent protection of your piece of paradise.
American Donations
US taxpayers can support our work with a gift that is tax deductible in the US!
Thanks to a partnership with American Friends of Canadian Conservation (AFCC) you can help Magnetawan Watershed Land Trust by making a tax-deductible contribution of cash or securities.
Support our work in one of the following ways:
Donate online at AFCC’s secure site using your credit card or PayPal. You can make a one-time contribution, or arrange for your donation to recur at any interval convenient for you.
Donate stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares to AFCC to avoid US capital gains taxes while receiving a tax deduction for the current value of your securities. Contact AFCC staff at 250-688-1508 in Canada, or 360-515-7171 in the US, or for instructions.
Mail a check (in US funds) to:
American Friends of Canadian Conservation
336 36th Street #717
Bellingham, WA 98225
Print, fill out, sign and send a Grant Recommendation with your check to request that AFCC uses your donation to make a grant to Magnetawan Watershed Land Trust. The language in the recommendation is necessary for your gift to be tax deductible in the US.
Thank you for your support of Magnetawan Watershed Land Trust through the partnership with AFCC!
You can conserve your Canadian property through a gift that is tax deductible in the US.
American Friends of Canadian Conservation (AFCC) was created to remove the tax and legal barriers that prevented US taxpayers from permanently protecting their Canadian natural lands. Gifts of land and conservation easements (aka covenants, servitudes) to AFCC are charitable donations in the US and effectively not subject to Canadian capital gains. Learn about the bi-national tax incentives by downloading Save Some Green: a handbook for US taxpayers from AFCC’s website.
Your organization’s name would partner with AFCC to complete your conservation gift and would be the local land steward.
Contact person at your organization to discuss your property and conservation interests, or AFCC’s cross-border conservation experts at 250-688-1508 in Canada, or 360-515-7171 in the US, or for information about tax benefits and the procedures for making a land or easement gift.

Canadian Donations
Any donation of $20CDN or more sent to the Magnetawan Watershed Land Trust is tax-deductible on Canadian tax returns against Canadian taxable income. Donors will be issued an official charitable donation receipt from the MWLT and will be recognized in the spring newsletter unless the donor requests anonymity.
Donating by Credit Card
Complete the online form.
Donating by Cheque ​
Make cheques payable to the Magnetawan Watershed Land Trust and mail to address below:
Magnetawan Watershed Land Trust
PO Box 190
Magnetawan, ON
P0A 1P0​
help out with events
help out with trail maintenance
join our board
join our stewardship team
walk our properties​
complete monitoring forms
watch for evidence of species at risk, invasive species, trail hazards, and non-compliant human activities
let us know how else you might be interested in volunteering​...we can always use the help!